Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

Inkonova technology leads the way for underground operated drones

Inkonova has developed new technology revolutionising the drone market and has secured a major investment from world-leading Terra Drone company.... read more about "Inkonova technology leads the way for underground operated drones"

I-EDDA innovation project establishing state-of-the-art methodology and technology in exploration drilling

I-EDDA: Innovative Exploration Drilling and Data Acquisition As exploration goes deeper, drilling costs increase, so does the need to extract as much... read more about "I-EDDA innovation project establishing state-of-the-art methodology and technology in exploration drilling"

Successful development of a virtual reality safety training for the mining industry

Innan AB has developed safety training programs simulating various types of accidents in mining and industrial environments using Virtual Reality... read more about "Successful development of a virtual reality safety training for the mining industry"

eMaintenance365 tech start-up enables sustainable operation and maintenance through advanced analytics services

Successful cooperation of eMaintenance365 start-up with the EIT RawMaterials industry partner eMaintenance365 start-up, recognised as one of the TOP most promising... read more about "eMaintenance365 tech start-up enables sustainable operation and maintenance through advanced analytics services"

SETI. SummEr school on critical raw maTerials: Innovation and entrepreneurship

Fostering skills and talent development SETI, an education project supported by EIT RawMaterials, demonstrated remarkable success in achieving the goal... read more about "SETI. SummEr school on critical raw maTerials: Innovation and entrepreneurship"
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