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Why Europe must act now to change public perception of mining

  The Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA) sets the target for the EU to extract 10 percent of its annual... read more about "Why Europe must act now to change public perception of mining"
Annika Mulder at RawMaterials Summit

Enhancing Mineral Security for Defence and Space Sovereignty

  At a time of intensifying regional conflicts, here is what we need to do to secure raw material supplies... read more about "Enhancing Mineral Security for Defence and Space Sovereignty"
Request for Offers

Request for Offers to Assist in an Institutional Accreditation Process

  EIT RawMaterials seeks an external supplier to work with the Education team to complete its application for an institutional... read more about "Request for Offers to Assist in an Institutional Accreditation Process"

Rebuilding Europe’s mining legacy: Laying the foundations for a responsible mining future

We spoke with Sinead Kaufman, Chief Executive of the Minerals product group at Rio Tinto, about how the European mining... read more about "Rebuilding Europe’s mining legacy: Laying the foundations for a responsible mining future"

Strategic collaboration is the key to Europe’s cleantech resilience

Op-Ed by Peter Tom Jones, KU Leuven Institute for Sustainable Metals and Minerals (SIM²) In recent months, setbacks for major... read more about "Strategic collaboration is the key to Europe’s cleantech resilience"
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