/RawMaterials Academy

RawMaterials Academy

Strengthening the raw materials sector by educating the lifecycle of innovators

Our modern lifestyle relies on raw materials. From the iron and steel of our railway infrastructure to the gold and silver in the circuitry of smartphones: raw materials are everywhere. The transition to a climate-neutral future requires cobalt for electric vehicles, lithium for rechargeable batteries, silicon for solar panels, and rare earth elements for wind turbines that generate renewable energy.

As the world grows smaller and more hyper-connected, the impact of society on the Earth has never been more visible. We need to shift to a circular economy to use the Earth’s finite resources responsibly. But what can just one individual do to help? More than you think! Real change requires courage, innovative thinking, and collective action – the same skill set that EIT RawMaterials Academy looks for in prospective students.

The RawMaterials Academy is the overarching brand of all the education activities of EIT RawMaterials. These range from innovative education projects launched via calls and run by the Innovation Community’s partners to a number of centrally operated projects. Activities across the entire ecosystem of learners – Master’s and PhD students, industrial partners, professionals within the raw materials sector, and wider society – foster new ways of learning and teaching by connecting academia, industry and research organisations.

1550+ Students in higher education

40+ Nationalities represented

3653+ School pupils participated

The RawMaterials Academy aims to:

  • Introduce society as a whole to the importance and relevance of raw materials and incite interest in topics related to raw materials
  • Equip talent with technical knowledge, including ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) standards, required by the raw materials industry today
  • Foster entrepreneurial and innovation skills, knowledge and attitudes needed for the entre- and intrapreneurs of tomorrow

RawMaterials Academy education programmes

A unique opportunity to learn in a dynamic environment, focusing on real industry challenges


Master’s Education

Join an EIT-Labelled programme and become a global game-changer, equipped with the knowledge, skills and experience employers seek. Six Master’s programmes within the EIT RawMaterials Academy hold the EIT Label, a certificate of quality that is granted only to excellent educational programmes at the master’s and doctoral levels.


PhD Education

EIT RawMaterials Academy offers PhD students practical training and summer schools to advance their knowledge in the field, develop entrepreneurial skills, work on raw materials challenges in hackathons, and expand their network.


Lifelong Learning

Working in close cooperation with our industrial partners, Lifelong Learning courses offer innovative professional training for individuals already working in the raw materials sector. Training draws on expertise from all three sides of the knowledge triangle to respond to the industry’s changing needs and remains at the forefront of innovation.


Wider Society Learning

Wider Society Learning projects at EIT RawMaterials raise society’s awareness of the use of and need for raw materials. Projects at EIT RawMaterials inform, educate and reach out to school children, the general public, NGOs and decision-makers across Europe.

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