Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

Purified Metal Company – worldwide recycling of contaminated steel scrap in a sustainable manner

Realising a patented and innovative idea for the recycling of (asbestos) contaminated steel scrap Purified Metal Company (PMC), a start-up supported... read more about "Purified Metal Company – worldwide recycling of contaminated steel scrap in a sustainable manner"

Rockathon mining challenge

Onboard ore analysis for mining equipment – laser guidance helps miners ‘see’ through rock The Rockathon Mining Challenge, a co-creation... read more about "Rockathon mining challenge"

ALINA – Substitution of critical and toxic materials for sustainable lifestyle

Eco-friendly organoclay for paints and coatings ALINA start-up uses innovative production technology to make state-of-the-art clay mineral materials that can... read more about "ALINA – Substitution of critical and toxic materials for sustainable lifestyle"

Circularise start-up uses blockchain technology connecting the raw materials value chain, one product at a time

Circularise offers a web-based product tracking system that can be applied in a virtual and endless range of product value... read more about "Circularise start-up uses blockchain technology connecting the raw materials value chain, one product at a time"

RM@Schools: Wider Society Learning project in raw materials

The Raw MatTERS Ambassadors at Schools (RM@Schools), an active learning project, has achieved success and recognition by involving experts from... read more about "RM@Schools: Wider Society Learning project in raw materials"
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