Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

SpacEarth Technology start-up delivers Mines-In-Time

Automatic service for monitoring the stress alteration of the rock mass during mining operations SpacEarth Technology start-up has developed Mines-In-Time... read more about "SpacEarth Technology start-up delivers Mines-In-Time"

Innovation project RACE-TP developed a thermoplastic composite to substitute CRMs in the automotive industry

Substitution of critical raw materials with thermoplastic composite for the automotive industry RACE-TP: Lightweight Recyclable Automotive thermoplastic CompositE structural parts for... read more about "Innovation project RACE-TP developed a thermoplastic composite to substitute CRMs in the automotive industry"

SINReM Master programme promotes innovative thinking and practical learning

EIT-labelled Master Programme for Innovators of the Future SINReM (International Master of Science in Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management)... read more about "SINReM Master programme promotes innovative thinking and practical learning"

ROSI start-up offers silicon recycling technology demonstrating a circular economy for PV industry

ROSI innovative technology will lead to reduced CO2 emission and an increase in renewable energy production efficiency.

read more about "ROSI start-up offers silicon recycling technology demonstrating a circular economy for PV industry"

iRIS innovation project introduces an intelligent risk identification system for safer mines

The mining industry will benefit from the iRIS intelligent risk identification system by 20% decrease of vehicle-related fires The iRIS... read more about "iRIS innovation project introduces an intelligent risk identification system for safer mines"
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