Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

A new generation of fibres for a cleaner world

AJELIS designs and produces fibres for water and air pollution control, as well as for metal recycling and repurposing. The new generation of materials makes it possible to selectively capture pollutants.

read more about "A new generation of fibres for a cleaner world"
Rich results on Google’s SERP when searching for ‘sustainable kaolin calcination‘

Sustainable kaolin transformation

The goal of the MONICALC innovation project was to improve the process of calcination while increasing both energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources. Focusing on kaolin production, the project brought together six partners and aimed to demonstrate the feasibility of the controlled use of diversified energy in calcination.

read more about "Sustainable kaolin transformation"
wind turbines

Successful establishment of a new association for a sustainable Rare Earth industry

Rare earth elements for green energy transition and climate-neutral Europe Rare Earth Elements (REEs) are critical materials for green energy... read more about "Successful establishment of a new association for a sustainable Rare Earth industry"
Fairphone modular phone

Towards fair recycling of Tin

Fairphone is fighting against a market trend where the average phone is replaced every 18 months, creating a substantial environmental impact.

read more about "Towards fair recycling of Tin"
RawDTrip project supported by EIT RawMaterials

RawDTrip – a new summer school about the raw materials value chain

A new summer school teaches students the elements of the raw materials value chain The RawDTrip summer school brought together... read more about "RawDTrip – a new summer school about the raw materials value chain"
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