Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

Bringing transparency to the opaque world of metals trading

Metalshub launched the first price indices for ferroalloys and raw metals based on real transactional data from the Metalshub platform.

read more about "Bringing transparency to the opaque world of metals trading"

Integrating virtual reality into European mining engineering education 

VR-Mine project has built a new type of highly informative and interactive virtual mine to fill a gap within our education systems – validating theory with practical scenarios.

read more about "Integrating virtual reality into European mining engineering education "

Connecting families during the pandemic: circular and social initiative against digital exclusion

aSmartWorld helps the most vulnerable and isolated people by distributing 300 refurbished phones to 120 nursing homes in Belgium, helping in total 10 000 seniors to connect with their loved ones. 

read more about "Connecting families during the pandemic: circular and social initiative against digital exclusion"

Establishing a vast network of raw materials stakeholders in the ESEE region

ESEE Dialogue Conferences create a valuable link between the ESEE region and the rest of Europe.

read more about "Establishing a vast network of raw materials stakeholders in the ESEE region"

State-of-the-art radio positioning solution for underground mining 

The Widefind positioning system provides localization with centimetre accuracy which is vital for increasing safety and overall productivity in complex industrial environments. 

read more about "State-of-the-art radio positioning solution for underground mining "
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