Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

3D Digital Twin of mineral process

Genius Core™ by Process Genius is the world’s first Digital Twin platform that is fully scalable and easy to deploy even in challenging environments.

read more about "3D Digital Twin of mineral process"

3D printing is a hot topic: FACT Industries produces materials for heat sink

FACT Industries develops new powder feedstock for additive manufacturing (3D printing) of ceramic-based thermal management systems.

read more about "3D printing is a hot topic: FACT Industries produces materials for heat sink"

Turning old batteries and other waste fractions into purified micronutrient fertilisers

EIT RawMaterials Booster funding in repose to the COVID-19 crisis enabled Tracegrow start-up to launch a new ZMC-Grow product to the market in autumn 2020.

read more about "Turning old batteries and other waste fractions into purified micronutrient fertilisers"

Certified course for lightweighting experts tailored to industry needs

LightRight project has developed a European-wide ISO EN 17024 certified professional training system tailored to industry needs.

read more about "Certified course for lightweighting experts tailored to industry needs"

Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials

Increasing the circularity of critical raw materials is crucial for a resilient future of Europe. SusCritMOOC provides comprehensive knowledge on the global challenges of critical raw materials.

read more about "Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials"
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