Energy transition

/Energy transition

Energy transition

Next-generation of Li-ion batteries for EVs with crystalline silicon nano powder

NanoPow’s high-quality crystalline silicon nano powder is ten times more efficient than Graphene.

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Permanent magnet recycling to secure the critical raw materials supply

Permanent magnets are directly linked and critical to the energy transition due to their applications in electric motors and wind power.

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EuGeLi project extracting European lithium for future electric vehicle batteries

EuGeLi is a collaborative research and innovation project that aims to develop a profitable economic model that covers the entire process, from the extraction of the lithium to its refinement into battery-quality products.

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Raw materials demand for wind and solar PV technologies in the transition towards a climate-neutral Europe

Raw materials are essential to securing a transition to green energy technologies and for achieving the goals outlined in the... read more about "Raw materials demand for wind and solar PV technologies in the transition towards a climate-neutral Europe"
EIT RawMaterials supports the world after COVID-19 securing a sustainable supply of raw materials

EIT RawMaterials Community response in building up resilience and contributing to the economic recovery post-COVID-19

Securing a sustainable supply of raw materials and advanced materials – for Europe’s green future and competitiveness The current COVID-19... read more about "EIT RawMaterials Community response in building up resilience and contributing to the economic recovery post-COVID-19"
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