


Call for Projects 2022 is open

We encourage our partners to submit new project proposals that will generate a significant impact on the raw materials sector, driving towards the circular economy and the contribution towards EU Green Deal goals.

read more about "Call for Projects 2022 is open"

Call for Training Ideas is Open: Bring your ideas for the courses of tomorrow!

Shape the future of your field of expertise and become a certified trainer for the “TrainCall” project!

read more about "Call for Training Ideas is Open: Bring your ideas for the courses of tomorrow!"

Certified course for lightweighting experts tailored to industry needs

LightRight project has developed a European-wide ISO EN 17024 certified professional training system tailored to industry needs.

read more about "Certified course for lightweighting experts tailored to industry needs"

Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials

Increasing the circularity of critical raw materials is crucial for a resilient future of Europe. SusCritMOOC provides comprehensive knowledge on the global challenges of critical raw materials.

read more about "Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials"

Girls Go Circular Cross-KIC project – closing the digital gender gap in Europe

The Cross-KIC Girls Go Circular project contributes to reducing the digital gender gap by empowering girls aged 14-18 in Southern and Eastern Europe.

read more about "Girls Go Circular Cross-KIC project – closing the digital gender gap in Europe"
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