


Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom

Learn how to teach entrepreneurial skills, inspire young people and transform teaching and learning to become more entrepreneurial.

read more about "Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom"

RAIDMAP project challenging future professionals to find novel solutions to current industry needs

RAIDMAP project is designed to match students’ fresh ideas with professionals’ experience, approaching existing industrial issues on themes such as circular economy, recyclability and substitution of critical raw materials.

read more about "RAIDMAP project challenging future professionals to find novel solutions to current industry needs"

Talent RM@Schools promoting STEM education

RM@Schools project teams up with Fraunhofer IFAM for the first Talent RM@Schools initiative.

read more about "Talent RM@Schools promoting STEM education"

MEITIM project explores skills and competencies of the skilled mining-engineer of the future

The 1st International Workshop on Skills and Competencies of the XXIst century workforce addressed future skills the mining professional will need.

read more about "MEITIM project explores skills and competencies of the skilled mining-engineer of the future"

Certified Online Training for Lightweight Professionals

LightRight, a project led by Fraunhofer with a consortium of nine partners, has developed professional training courses on the subject of lightweight construction materials.

read more about "Certified Online Training for Lightweight Professionals"
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