Celebrating entrepreneurs creating sustainable impact and revolutionising the EU market

EIT Community invites you to the upcoming EIT Jumpstarter Grand Final 2020 to celebrate talent, entrepreneurship and new sustainable solutions for the future of Europe! EIT Jumpstarter is the flagship programme of the Cross-KIC cooperation within the Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS) region, that is run for the fourth time by EIT RawMaterials, EIT Health, EIT Food, EIT InnoEnergy, EIT Manufacturing and EIT Urban Mobility.

Out of the 120 teams selected to join the programme this year, the top 36 got into the Grand Final. Six teams from each thematic field will pitch their start-up projects in front of the expert jury panel. The Award Ceremony will be followed by networking with the talented finalists and other participants via our virtual platform.

We are happy to announce six start-ups working on sustainable high-impact solutions for the raw materials sector! 


Calcination of minerals is responsible for approximately 10% of all human carbon emissions worldwide. Carbon dioxide is produced through the calcination reaction itself (roughly 50%) and through burning fossil fuels (another 50%) to provide the heat required for mineral calcination (calcinare = to burn lime, latin). Flameless team has developed a system that can calcinate minerals without burning fossil fuels using a heat transfer fluid that could be heated using concentrated solar power plants, allowing for less carbon emissions (50% less) and increased resource efficiency in mineral and metallurgical processes.


CMS business is related to mineral processing, committed to implement the most innovative technology on mineral processing plants. By combining mineral separation methodologies, CMS contributes to the reduction of the mining operating costs compared with actual methodologies, the 15 of costs the start-up reduces, brings to mine large additional number of profits that actually are not achieved.


AiSortmaster developed a new machine that sorts materials according to their radioactivity. Based on the developed technology, the team will provide a sorting service for mining companies, which will allow reducing mine waste volumes by up to 90%. The service can become a long term solution for the uranium legacy sites, that will allow for efficient use of secondary resources.


ResourcesX explores presently considered unconventional resources relevant for our development. The team wants to reprocess phosphogypsum waste (roughly 250 million tons are produced annually) to natural gypsum and recover rare earth elements while doing so. Both rare earths and natural gypsum are considered critical materials by the EU.


ZincO is on its way to develop a battery that stores surplus-energy from rooftop photovoltaic systems. The demand for household storage solutions, especially for renewable energies, is established and growing fast. Using purified zinc and oxygen as its main chemical reactants, a ZincO battery improves both: affordability and ecological footprint. Working with an earth abundant metal and the surrounding air allow the product costs to be lower by 75%, compared to solutions based on lithium-ion.


Hydrogen fuel cells are one of the core strategies of the EU to become a climate-neutral society. ReCatalyst is revolutionising the way we make hydrogen fuel cell catalysts. ReCatalyst produces next-generation patented platinum-alloy nano-catalysts that are 2-3 times more efficient, exhibit enhanced stability as well as enable a 50% reduction in required platinum per hydrogen fuel cell system and therefore its cost already today. Recently, the team has reached TRL 6, making their products ready for commercial use and, thus, market entry.

Register today and join us at the EIT Jumpstarter Grand Final to celebrate together the achievements of the best teams!

Join the EIT Jumpstarter Grand Final