Over 100 partners of ERMA joined the first meeting of the Rare Earth Magnets and Motors Cluster
The first Cluster of ERMA deals with one of the most critical value chains for many key EU industrial ecosystems: rare earth elements (REE) used in high performance magnets and motors. ERMA supports a multi-sourcing strategy of REEs from feasible, responsible sources (primary and secondary) to ensure resilient supply chains and increase European industrial competitiveness. In addition, Europe’s capacities need to increase in magnet making as well as resource efficient and smart product design for the Circular Economy.
Yesterday, the first meeting of the ERMA Rare Earth Magnets and Motors Cluster was held online. Over 100 ERMA partners from industry, universities and research organisations, national authorities, different association and financial institutions participated in the meeting. Six rare earth related projects were presented to identify investment opportunities, synergies and collaboration across the value chain.
The first draft of a rare earth action plan for Europe developed over the last months by a group of stakeholders from the REE sector was also presented during the meeting. The work on this action plan continues within the ERMA Rare Earth Magnets and Motors Cluster through specific task forces that will identify challenges and regulatory bottlenecks along the value chain and develop recommendations and actions for Europe. All members of the Cluster are invited to join these task forces.
Please contact ERMA team at erma@eitrawmaterials if you are interested in joining the Rare Earth Magnets and Motors Cluster.