Resource Efficiency

/Resource Efficiency

Resource Efficiency

EIT RawMaterials project to improve the recycling of Critical Raw Materials for Europe from e-waste

EIT RawMaterials funded recycling project, RENEW, led by Atlantic Copper, reduces the organic content of WEEE – specifically Waste Printed Circuit Boards (WPCB), by separation and valorisation without losing any of the valuable metals.

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Internship training promotes raw materials sector careers among students

RAISESEE has reported a promising start of its raw materials internship training programme, aimed at over 200 secondary school students in the ESEE region (East and South-East Europe).

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Leading the change towards Circular Societies with Circular Skills

Circular economy challenges require a well-trained workforce with highly analytical, creative and technical skills.

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Particular Materials upcycling waste into silver

Particular Materials has shown that toxic wastewater containing silver cyanide can be used as a precursor for the synthesis of silver with TiO2 nanoparticles.

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From waste to resource: EU project WhiSPER uses air granulation technology for iron silicate production 

Copper smelting via pyrometallurgy produces several interesting materials. One of these is an iron silicate, produced in quantities as high as 600,000 tons per year in the Huelva plant of Atlantic Copper.

read more about "From waste to resource: EU project WhiSPER uses air granulation technology for iron silicate production "
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