


Validate customer needs and verify business assumptions: RawMaterials Accelerator call for Phase 2 is open

The purpose of Phase 2 is to validate customer needs and verify business assumptions. The offering provided by the selected start-ups should be at TRL 5-7 and CRL 5.

read more about "Validate customer needs and verify business assumptions: RawMaterials Accelerator call for Phase 2 is open"

EIT RawMaterials supports entrepreneurs to scale up and reach new markets

EIT RawMaterials delivers positive change and impact by understanding and thereby designing an offer that meets the needs of entrepreneurial innovators in all stages of development.

read more about "EIT RawMaterials supports entrepreneurs to scale up and reach new markets"

Get your business ready for launch: RawMaterials Accelerator opens call for Phase 3

Phase 3 aims to get the business ready for launch. The offering of the start-ups should at the start be at a TRL 7-9 and heading for market entrance.

read more about "Get your business ready for launch: RawMaterials Accelerator opens call for Phase 3"

Call for Applications: EnAct-SDGs 2nd Pilot Summer School 2021

EnAct-SDGs project invites students to the second edition of the Summer School 2021. Students will work with experts to tackle raw materials challenges and generate new business ideas.

read more about "Call for Applications: EnAct-SDGs 2nd Pilot Summer School 2021"

MOOC on Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future

SusCritMat project offers a new online courseĀ on sustainable management of critical raw materials for Europe’s transition to carbon neutrality.

read more about "MOOC on Critical Raw Materials: Managing Resources for a Sustainable Future"
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