


Find out about the latest opportunities offered by EIT RawMaterials, from funding for start-ups and projects, to exciting education programmes, that will all contribute to Europe reaching climate neutrality by 2050.

Call for Projects 2022 (KAVA 9) is now open

We encourage our partners to submit new project proposals that will generate a significant impact on the raw materials sector, driving towards the circular economy and the contribution towards EU Green Deal goals.

read more about "Call for Projects 2022 (KAVA 9) is now open"

Join the PhD School on Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy

This is a unique learning opportunity for PhD students to join an intensive programme based on industrial business case studies within the challenging domain of the transition towards a circular economy.

read more about "Join the PhD School on Entrepreneurship in the Circular Economy"

Open Call: Digital testbeds to accelerate Industry 4.0 transformation in Europe’s raw materials sector

Join the call to tackle raw materials challenges in the e-drive sector with the EIT Community!

read more about "Open Call: Digital testbeds to accelerate Industry 4.0 transformation in Europe’s raw materials sector"

Seismic methods in deep mineral exploration

Hard rock seismic methodology research course: practical aspects The course provides an overview of the practical aspects concerning seismic methods... read more about "Seismic methods in deep mineral exploration"

Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom

Encourage entrepreneurial mindsets and skill sets in students with Teach like an Entrepreneur online course!

read more about "Teach like an Entrepreneur: Bringing Entrepreneurship into the Classroom"
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