Circular Societies

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Circular Societies

EIT RawMaterials Call for Innovation & Education Projects is now open

The annual Call for Innovation & Education Projects is an opportunity for innovators to maximise the recognition of their disruptive ideas among leading players within Europe’s raw materials sector. EIT RawMaterials is seeking solutions from potential candidates to contribute to shaping a strong, sustainable raw materials sector in Europe.

read more about "EIT RawMaterials Call for Innovation & Education Projects is now open"

EIT RawMaterials nominee wins prestigious pan-European award

EIT RawMaterials nominee, Anna Vanderbruggen, wins EIT Change Award for Graphite Recycling Solution.

read more about "EIT RawMaterials nominee wins prestigious pan-European award"

The Green Rare Earth Magnet Company Strengthening Europe’s Energy Autonomy

MagReesource’s hydrogen-based magnet recycling aims to strengthen European energy autonomy and reduce dependency on China.

read more about "The Green Rare Earth Magnet Company Strengthening Europe’s Energy Autonomy"

Three Start-ups Boosting the European Solar Panel Value Chain

Three start-ups, supported by EIT RawMaterials, are bringing effective innovations across the strategically important solar panel value chain to market.

read more about "Three Start-ups Boosting the European Solar Panel Value Chain"

The Superhero of European Graphite Recycling

Find out why Anna Vanderbruggen is our Superhero for European Graphite Recycling – and a finalist for the EIT CHANGE Award.

read more about "The Superhero of European Graphite Recycling"
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