Innovation Hub Central

/Innovation Hub Central

Innovation Hub Central

E-learning Composites Academy for hands-on training

E-Learning Composites Academy is an interactive online platform for composites training for operators, technicians and engineers in the field of composites.

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Permanent magnet recycling to secure the critical raw materials supply

Permanent magnets are directly linked and critical to the energy transition due to their applications in electric motors and wind power.

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Interactive pyrometallurgical training helps sharing best practices

SPYRO project aims to bridge the gap between theory and the actual operation of industrial facilities.

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FLAXRES sets a new benchmark in recycling photovoltaics

FLAXRES start-up has developed a unique recovery technology combining a pure and cost-effective separation of different glass grades as well as valuable metals and responsible environmental protection.

read more about "FLAXRES sets a new benchmark in recycling photovoltaics"

Minespider secures EIT RawMaterials Booster funding to develop responsible mineral tracking

EIT RawMaterials Booster grant will help Minespider develop OreSource, a due diligence product that helps mines and smelters capture key information that importers in the European Union need to comply with EU Conflict Mineral Regulation.

read more about "Minespider secures EIT RawMaterials Booster funding to develop responsible mineral tracking"
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