Innovation Hub Central

/Innovation Hub Central

Innovation Hub Central

Certified Online Training for Lightweight Professionals

LightRight, a project led by Fraunhofer with a consortium of nine partners, has developed professional training courses on the subject of lightweight construction materials.

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From iron and manganese oxides wastes to valuable metal alloys

A circular economy approach to recycle residues produced by pyrometallurgical furnaces In the pyrometallurgy processes to separate and recover metals... read more about "From iron and manganese oxides wastes to valuable metal alloys"
Large Quarry

TERREMYS – a new drone based company for magnetic geophysical measurements

Innovative service for the measurement, processing, and interpretation of magnetic data TERREMYS is a geophysical survey start-up based on the... read more about "TERREMYS – a new drone based company for magnetic geophysical measurements"

EIT RawMaterials new innovation project ReLieVe will develop an innovative closed-loop process for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries

Growing market for electric vehicles will create a massive recycling need The EIT RawMaterials new innovation project ReLieVe (Recycling Li-ion... read more about "EIT RawMaterials new innovation project ReLieVe will develop an innovative closed-loop process for the recycling of lithium-ion batteries"
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