Circular Economy

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Circular Economy

ADRIATHON: Adria RawMaterials Incubator Hackathon

ADRIATHON is designed as a competition in a digital environment, with an objective to develop innovative solutions for the activation of the Waste Exchange Market.

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Upscaling a novel technology for the characterisation of valuable materials

Upscaling the characterisation technology for bottom ashes to an industrial level for adding value to waste streams and using less energy.

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Future technologies more sustainable with prospective Life Cycle Assessment training

MIN-TEA project provides education and software enabling industry and academia to screen emerging technologies for environmental hotspots.

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Mineral Potential of the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe Region Conference showcased the results of the RESEERVE project

RESEERVE project partners presented the most important achievements of a three-year intensive cooperation in mapping the mineral resources of the six ESEE countries.

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Fast-track your business with the RawMaterials Accelerator: Call for Phase 1 is open!

This call is for start-ups who consider that they already have an innovative offering (at TRL 4-6) – and who see an opportunity in rapidly developing this offering to the exploration, mining, mineral processing, metal & mineral, steel-making and recycling industries as well as suppliers of equipment and tools to these industries.

read more about "Fast-track your business with the RawMaterials Accelerator: Call for Phase 1 is open!"
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