
The project aims to launch a strong progression to make remanufacturing the new norm through training design for remanufacturing using problem based learning in industrial boot camps. 10-15 Reman bootcamps are developed and piloted with companies and their value chains. In addition to a strong industrial partner,there are LOIs from 6 organizations. The bootcamp material will be prepared for a consultancy package with a marketing & delivery plan.

The solution (technology):

Remanufacturing is an efficient means to support the resource efficiency of raw materials and the availability of critical materials through “ultimate circular economy”. The remanufacturing option may be significantly contributed to by appropriate design of products. Taking into account the whole value chain in design is also essential. This project will develop and make available training for design for remanufacturing. The training is aimed at companies designing and producing products. The target of the training includes a group representing different company functions and/or areas of the value chain, e.g. design, production, maintenance, subcontracting, sales, and after sales. The training will be carried out in the form of bootcamps where the group solves a real remanufacturing design case applying a Problem Based Learning approach.

The group will collaboratively and actively learn remanufacturing design principles and develop practices with the support of tutors and supporting materials. Collaborative development practices and the use of digital information sources are learnt in addition to individual development and is an essential part of remanufacturing design process. The project will arrange a number of bootcamps to project participants, organizations with LOIs, their networks and value chains. The guidelines for arranging bootcamps and the material supporting learning will be made widely available and developed into a consultancy package which can also be used commercially after the project.


Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd. VTT), Finland (Lead Partner)
Institut polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble Institute of Technology, INP), France
Metso Minerals Oy, Finland
Technische Universiteit Delft (Delft University of Technology), Netherlands

For more information, please visit the project web page.