IC-RBIO- Industrial Challenges posed by Residues and By-products from Industrial Operations
21 September 2016 - 22 September 2016
This event focuses on the Industrial Challenges posed by residues and by-products from industrial operations. These challenges have the potential to hinder business, increase costs and environmental performance, however, new innovations in technology and business can allow these challenges to be seen as opportunities where addition income sources including accessing CRMs and enhanced environmental performance can be achieved. This event focuses on keynote talks from industry and academia on the residues, presentations from innovative SMEs and start-ups with new technologies and a workshop where 4-5 industrial challenges will be selected for specific review.
Location: RUSAL of the CLC North is the host of the event.
Co-Hosting: As the focus of this event is of high importance to the KIC community, the event is co-hosted between 3 CLCs. The CLC Central and CLC West will co-host the event with CLC North.
The registration form including travel and accommodation information can be found here.
Click on the image below for the full agenda.