


HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education: Pilot Call for Proposals is Open!

EIT is launching the HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education to unlock the full innovation potential of higher education institutions.

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New EIT initiative launched to boost innovation in higher education

EIT is launching the HEI Initiative: Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education to unlock the full innovation potential of higher education institutions.

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Miners and mathematicians work on a solution to modernise the processing of raw materials

Researchers from Wrocław University of Science and Technology, together with partners from Poland and Finland, are developing a system to make machinery for processing mining output even more efficient.

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UX-1Neo robot by UNEXUP is ready to survey underground flooded mines

UX-1Neo is designed to perform underwater surveying missions in the EU and worldwide, and collect valuable geoscientific and spatial data from these sites.

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Corrosion prediction software tools developed to respond to raw materials industry needs 

In the EIT RawMaterials up-scaling project CorTools, corrosion on-line monitoring and prediction software tools are developed to respond to the needs of raw materials industry.

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