Circular Economy

/Circular Economy

Circular Economy

Girls Go Circular Cross-KIC project – closing the digital gender gap in Europe

The Cross-KIC Girls Go Circular project contributes to reducing the digital gender gap by empowering girls aged 14-18 in Southern and Eastern Europe.

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Netherlands-based scaleup Circularise expands to Asia with its blockchain technology

Marubeni Corporation entered into a business collaboration agreement with Circularise to introduce a Traceability Management Platform developed by Circularise to the Japanese and Asian chemicals and plastics markets.

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Connecting families during the pandemic: circular and social initiative against digital exclusion

aSmartWorld helps the most vulnerable and isolated people by distributing 300 refurbished phones to 120 nursing homes in Belgium, helping in total 10 000 seniors to connect with their loved ones. 

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RESEERVE project launches West Balkan Mineral Register of primary and secondary resources

The West Balkan Mineral Register provides publicly available data by creating a comprehensive and useful register of primary and secondary raw materials.

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Corrosion prediction software tools developed to respond to raw materials industry needs 

In the EIT RawMaterials up-scaling project CorTools, corrosion on-line monitoring and prediction software tools are developed to respond to the needs of raw materials industry.

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