What is success made of? Do you have a great idea or research, but don’t know what to do with it or where to start? Let our experts show you first steps in making your idea succeed in the market.

Want to figure out if your idea makes sense?

Let one of the best start-up gurus take you through the journey to find a way to the market for your solution or soon to be a solution. There are techniques you can learn to know your market and assess the potential of your idea.

Call for idea holders (researchers, academics, innovators, entrepreneurs, students) to participate in the Business & Idea course in Slovenia! Apply to participate in the business course with RC ADRIA Hub!

Short description:

The course program will offer:

  • Discussion with Matija Gatalo, founder of start-up Recatalyst
  • Innovative mindset, Lean methodology and Design thinking method (Blaž Zupan)
  • Business model development (Aleš Pustovrh)
  • Information on the available EIT RawMaterials programs (EIT Jumpstarter, EIT RawMaterials Booster, RM Accelerator)
  • Structuring innovative ideas for inclusion in the EIT RawMaterials programs
  • Pitch to success (Jakob Gajšek)
Register here!