Call for Innovation & Education Projects
Developing raw materials into a major strength for Europe
The Call for Projects 2022 is now open!
EIT RawMaterials connects stakeholders and actors from different parts of the raw materials value chain creating a unique collaborative environment for breakthrough innovations and radically new ways to address raw materials challenges. EIT RawMaterials comprises more than 120 core and associate partners from leading businesses, universities and research institutes, and an additional 190 project partners contributing to and benefitting by being involved in specific tasks in Calls for Projects.
We encourage our partners to submit new project proposals that will generate a significant impact on European industrial competitiveness, innovation capacity and human capital, as well as empower students and entrepreneurs driving towards the circular economy and the contribution towards the EU Green Deal goals.
Key deadlines
Monday, 1 March 2021: Call for Projects 2022 is open
Mid of March 2021: The proposal submission platform “SeedBook” goes live
Monday, 3 May 2021 at 13:00 CET: Proposal registration deadline
Monday, 3 May 2021 at 13:00 CET: Draft proposal submission deadline (on SeedBook)
Tuesday, 4 May to Thursday, 20 May 2021: Evaluation of draft proposals
Friday, 21 May 2021: Outcomes of the evaluation of the draft proposals is communicated to the consortia
Wednesday, 1 September 2021 at 13:00 CET: Final proposal submission deadline
Additional documents:
To register new proposals in SeedBook, please fill in and upload the following templates describing how the project will meet the addressed criteria:
Selection process and topics
The overall format for the proposal submission and evaluation is quite similar to last year’s, but there are significant differences regarding the selection process and the selected topics:
- The proposal submission will take place in 2 stages, with a DRAFT proposal and a FINAL proposal. Both submissions will be evaluated. It is therefore imperative that the DRAFT proposals contain sufficient information for a comprehensive evaluation.
- The DRAFT proposal should not exceed 5 pages and should contain an executive summary, with objectives, outcomes and final results expected (1/2 page), a short description of the consortium with the role of each partner (1/2 page) and detailed information (4 pages) addressing the selected criteria, which will be evaluated as “yes/no”.
- Only proposals receiving “yes” to all of the selected criteria will be invited to submit a FINAL proposal in Stage 2.
- For up-scaling activities, the proposal should address at least one of the topics listed in the Lighthouse Appendix, provide a minimum co-funding of 30%, and the funded projects must contribute to the financial sustainability of EIT RawMaterials by generating a financial backflow equivalent to at least 100% of the received grant.
- For Higher Education activities, the focus shall be on EIT-label degree education, and specifically on Master education that fulfil 3 selected thematic orientations.
- For Lifelong Learning activities, the focus shall be on demand-driven proposals in 2 selected thematic areas, demonstrate a clear industrial need, and support the sustainability of the organisation.
- This call will not support new activities on Wider Society Learning or Doctoral School.
- For RIS activities, the same conditions as above will apply for RIS Upscaling and Education activities, and partners will have the opportunity to propose RIS Capacity Building activities.
Please read the call texts very carefully, as some of the eligibility criteria and mandatory requirements have changed to comply with EIT’s requests.