Connecting local stakeholders to foster a community dialogue on the current state in the Greek and EU raw materials sector

On 11-12 December, the fourth annual Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue will be hosted by the ΕΙΤ RawMaterias RIS Hub Greece.

EIT RawMaterials Hub – Regional Center Greece, established in May 2018 and operated by the Laboratory of Metallurgy of the School of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering NTUA, aims to engage the Greek Raw Materials Community through actions on multiple directions (both technical and not), in order to address issues of importance and strengthen the overall position of the raw materials sector in Greece, as well as internationally.

The Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue is an established annual event since 2016 and aims to bring together the industry (large and SME), the governance (national and regional), academia and research institutes of Greece along with European executive organisations of the Raw Materials sector as members of the EIT RawMaterials to discuss over the current state in the Greek and EU raw materials sector, address the Knowledge Triangle (business, research, education) in political level, present tools and initiatives in EU and Greece that act as facilitators for the sector and examine the innovation needs of the Knowledge Triangle.

The 4th Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue focuses on the prospects of integrating digital technology in the raw materials value chain, dedicating the first day of the event to the Thematic Pillar “Raw Materials Industry Transition to the Digital Era”. The prospect of this major technological transition commences a new dialogue, on Day 2, between industry representatives, students and young professionals in the Thematic Pillar “Bridging the gap between Industry and Academia”, aiming to outline the profile of a modern, integrated professional of the Raw Materials sector.

Join the 4th Greek Raw Materials Community Dialogue