We want to hear from you! As part of this year’s EIT Stakeholder Forum, the EIT is launching three online consultations to gather input from our stakeholders to inform our future activities.
The EIT is looking for your input in these three areas:
- EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) post-2020
- New EIT Action to support the innovation capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- EIT Community – Open and Inclusive
Stakeholders who are interested to contribute to the discussion on any of these topics can use the links above to access the topic-specific questionnaires and contribute to the EIT’s future work. Each contribution should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete. Please note that the questionnaires will remain open until 15 November 2020.
EIT Stakeholder Forum
The EIT Stakeholder Forum enables us to engage with our multiple stakeholders and partners. Until this year, the Forum was organised within the context of INNOVEIT, the EIT Community’s flagship event which attracted more than 400 EIT stakeholders.
In 2020, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Forum will combine online consultations with a series of digital sessions and meetings. The main purpose of this year’s Forum will be to raise the visibility of the EIT Community’s activities and achievements, and to provide a platform for stakeholders to express their views and contribute to the implementation of our Strategic Innovation Agenda 2021-2027.
Please contact the EIT if you have questions about the EIT Stakeholder Forum
The EIT Stakeholder Forum 2020 will consist of the following events and online consultations:
- EIT Open Sessions with European R&I Stakeholders during the European Research & Innovation Days
- EIT Regional Innovation Scheme post-2020, 23 September
- EIT Action to support Higher Education Institutions in Europe, 24 September
- 10th Annual Meeting with the European Commission Services (11 and 12 November)
- EIT Member State Configuration Annual Meeting (19 November)
Online consultations will be launched from 30 September to 15 November on the following topics
- EIT Regional Innovation Scheme (EIT RIS) post-2020
- New EIT Action to support the innovation capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs)
- EIT Community – Open and Inclusive
EIT stakeholders that are interested in these topics are invited to participate in the consultation, whether they have previously been involved to the EIT activities or not. The purpose of the consultations will be to provide our stakeholders with a say in the possible implementation of the strengthened EIT RIS, the new Action on HEIs, as well inform our active efforts to enhance the EIT Community’s openness and transparency.
For more information on the consultation topics, the background notes can be downloaded below: