Discover the mineral potential of Fennoscandia and Northern Europe
On 14-18 June, Master and PhD students are invited to participate in the five days online short course on “Fingerprinting techniques in mineral exploration”. The short course is organised by MinExTarget project, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, in collaboration with AGH University of Science and Technology, Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), Geological Survey of Finland (GTK), University of Oulu (OU), and EIT RawMaterials Academy.
In the course, students will gain general knowledge about the geology and mineral potential of Fennoscandia and Northern Europe and learn about traditional and modern mineral exploration techniques. A particular focus will be given to sampling, sample preparation, analytical techniques and data processing. The course consists of lectures, practical work and discussions. The students participating in the short course will receive a participation certificate after the course. It is also possible to attend the lectures without participating in the short course practical work in small groups and discussion sessions.
Requirements for the course
Education: Bachelor degree and higher in the field of geology, geosciences, and/or mineral exploration, PhD students are prioritised.
To participate in the course please send a short motivation letter (max. 1 page) to, cc: Sabina Strmic Palinkas, Sarala Pertti, Ferenc Molnàr, by 20 May 2021. The letter should include the correct name and contact details that will be later used for the certificate.
Maximum number of students participating in group work: 25
To participate in lectures only please register here.
Registration deadline is 20 May 2021. Please add on registration your active email address where the link to the lectures will be sent. Participation certificate is not included for participants who are attending only lectures.
Participants for lectures: 50
Price: Participation in the short course and lectures is free.