Project duration: 1 January 2019 – 31 December 2021
Today, most mines are still using large amounts of paper-based information or isolated excel files. Instead of voice-over IP, 4G, email, and messenger services, the supervisors in many underground mines provide tasks to the operator by driving to the different workplaces or by two-way radio. Machines are used even though they urgently require planned maintenance as a lack of diagnostics.
The solution (technology)
The solution to this problem, proposed in the SmartHub project, is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). IIoT is embedding intelligence in industrial machines allowing them to be more efficient, self-correcting, safer, and connected, relieving mundane tasks from operators enabling them to focus on the system. Still, many companies don’t have enough digital capabilities. Traditionally, that meant they either had to build those capabilities themselves or buy them by seeking support from a qualified partner. Building digital capabilities is expensive and time-consuming. And purchasing them or partnering is often slowed by cultural gaps and miscommunications which seldom lead to real-world solutions.
SmartHuB offers mines, machine manufacturers and suppliers to gather, transmit, ingest disparate, real-time and historical data onto a scalable and fast-analysis platform to generate valuable insights, providing a toolkit for data analytics applications for fixed and mobile assets, covering machinery and equipment in mining processes including Room&Pillar and continuous mass-transport as well as a predictive analytics platform, which can use real-time and historical data from machinery and equipment as well as contextual information about weather and the environment to optimize operations for equipment operators and managers.
- Indurad GmbH, Germany (Lead Partner)
- AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
- DMT GmbH & Co. KG, Germany
- FLSmidth A/S, Denmark
- LTU Business AB, Sweden
- Mine Master Spółka, Poland
- Sachtleben Bergbau GmbH & Co.KG, Germany
- Südwestdeutsche Salzwerke AG, Germany
- Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- talpasolutions GmbH, Germany
- VKG Kaevandused OÜ, Estonia