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News (horizontal -prodynatest)2019-06-24T09:52:06+02:00

EIT RawMaterials latest ‘Booster Call’ set to turbocharge the European start-up ecosystem in the raw materials arena

Master students, graduates and young professionals are invited to register their interest to the Atlantic Copper Resource Recovery Open Innovation Challenge. Registration closes April 19, 2024.

1 April, 2024|

Atlantic Copper partners with EIT RawMaterials for ground-breaking Resource Recovery Open Innovation Challenge

Master students, graduates and young professionals are invited to register their interest to the Atlantic Copper Resource Recovery Open Innovation Challenge. Registration closes April 19, 2024.

20 March, 2024|

Pioneering STEM Initiative Achieves 100% Surge in Young Women’s Participation.

A groundbreaking STEM Initiative aimed to attract greater numbers of women to STEM roles for the raw materials sector, held its 3rd Women and Girls in STEM Forum, an initiative of the Girls Go Circular programme, coordinated by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), a body of the European Union.  The initiative achieved a 100 percent surge in young women’s participation, and gathered over 800 policymakers, industry leaders, students, and educators to the event to champion gender equality in STEM.

6 December, 2023|

Webinar on Sourcing from Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) under EU compliance Standards – Guidelines for Practitioners.

Join policy makers, representatives of ASM communities, consultants with on-the-ground experience, and industry representatives to discuss different means of responsibly sourcing from the small-scale and artisanal mining sector.

16 October, 2023|

ERMA and Greenland Resources mark successful partnership advancing responsible mining in Europe.

The European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) and Greenland Resources highlight their successful collaboration on the Malmbjerg molybdenum project, a prime example of cross-regional mining for a secure and sustainable European raw materials value chain. 

25 September, 2023|
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