EIT RawMaterials Projects

The ambitious vision of EIT RawMaterials is realised by the creation of a structured collaboration within the Knowledge Triangle, which is the basis of the EIT model.

Call for Innovation & Education Projects is now open!

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EIT RawMaterials Projects Timeline

392 Projects
Project Portfolio
Innovation Themes
Innovation Areas/Lighthouses


ADMADP: Advanced Materials Doctoral Programme – ADMA-DP for Doctoral Education

Project duration: 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018


ADMADP develops the doctoral training in the existing Advanced Materials Doctoral Programme (ADMA-DP) to fulfill the quality criteria of the EIT-labelling in doctoral training. The ADMA-DP was initiated in 2013 at the University of Oulu to address the raw materials needs mostly in Finland since the mining activities had become very important in northern and eastern part of Finland and in the Nordic countries at large.

The solution (technology)

The research and education in the ADMA-DP include the whole raw materials cycle, taking into account sustainability aspects, i.e. economic, environmental, and social sustainability of products and production processes. In this project, the innovation and entrepreneurship mindset will be fostered to strengthen the ADMA-DP education and to benefit the stakeholders, i.e. society, universities, research centers and industry via skilled experts. ADMADP will add innovation and entrepreneurship training into the programme (development of courses and a study module) in order to meet the requirements for EIT-labelling.

The approach to developing students’ innovation skills comprises of:

  • Modules in product development and productisation, entrepreneurship and business;
  • International placements in industry and research organisations;
  • A programme of activities for students to build their own networks.



ADMIRED LAB: Advanced Mineral Resources Development Labelled

Project duration: 1 April 2017 – 1 October 2019


The impact of the program will be the impact the graduates will have on the mining industry and its respective interconnection with society and the environment. The programme will create students with a new mindset that will practically apply their newly gained awareness in a cross-industrial/governmental and social manner. They will convey that only through the creation of synergies, interdisciplinary thinking and systemic approaches the status-quo in mining can be changed for the better in regards to a sustainable approach. The programme will thus have a de-siloing effect on various fields involved.

The solution (technology)

Synergies will be created between mining companies, political institutions, social and environmental stakeholders and their NGOs as well as public administration. This will only be possible through creating such students as ADMIRED LAB students with an intercultural mindset that consolidates all these silos to be a new worldview and who know how to apply this. The benefitting entities will be all parties mentioned above as well as society and the planet as a whole. Academic institutions can benefit from the programme structure which is transferrable to other content foci but yet produces systemic innovative entrepreneurial thinkers.


You can find more details and apply on the official website of the Master programme.

Mineral Processing/Resource Efficiency

AISS: Alumni Interaction in the frame of dedicated Summer Schools

Project duration: 1 April 2018 – 31 March 2021


Facilitating the insertion and career progression of the AMIR master students and young professionals in the market of raw materials innovation and related ecosystems.

The solution (technology)

A series of summer schools will allow for networking with industry partners, start-ups, incubators, alumni and current AMIR students. The summer schools will broaden the knowledge and improve the skills of the students by offering additional pedagogical contents on industrial and business intelligence. This project aims at officially creating and developing an AMIR network of alumni. In addition, a graduation ceremony will be implemented within AISS as well as a matchmaking meeting with industrial partners, start-ups and incubators.


  • Université de Bordeaux, France (Lead Partner)
  • Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
  • University of Liège, Belgium
  • Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, UPM (Technical University of Madrid), Spain
  • Institut polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble Institute of Technology, INP), France
  • Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas M.P., CSIC (Spanish National Research Council), Spain
  • Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives, CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission), France
  • Frauhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
  • ArcelorMittal, France
  • Arkema, France
  • Veolia Deutschland GmbH, Germany

AISS project is fully integrated in the funded Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling (AMIR) master programme.


ALIM: Advanced LI Metal electrodes

Project duration: 1 January 2018 – 31 December 2020


The need for better energy storage systems is definitely a challenge for the 21st century, and lots of efforts have been devoted to building better batteries. Li-ion technology is progressively reaching its limits in terms of performances, while the current Li-ion battery market is mostly dominated by the LiCoO2/graphite system, based on toxic and critical active raw materials. Driven by the needs of electric vehicles (EVs), intermittent renewable energy and expanding portable applications, lots of efforts are devoted today to research for alternative energy storage systems that could allow for higher energy densities, along with low cost, high cyclability, and safety.

Lithium metal is the most promising negative electrode material for high energy post-Li-ion technologies, like Lithium Metal Polymer (LMP®) and Lithium/Sulfur (Li/S) batteries.

The solution (technology)

The main goal of ALIM project is to support the commercialization of CMR-free innovative battery solutions for EV and stationary applications, by mastering the production process of extra-thin lithium electrodes and boosting the performances of current BlueSolutions LMP® cells.


  • French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), France (Lead Partner)
  • BlueSolutions, France
  • Bühler Redex, Germany
  • Uppsala University, Sweden
Mineral Processing/Resource Efficiency

ALPE: Advanced Low-Platinum hierarchical Electrocatalysts for low-T fuel cells

Project duration: 1 January 2020 – 31 May 2023


The project ALPE aims at developing and commercializing a proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) power plant yielding 5 kW, a durability of 5000 hours, and including 0.5 g of Pt instead of 1 g or more. This is achieved with radically new hierarchical nanostructured electrocatalysts (ECs) promoting the electrochemical processes of the PEMFC. ALPE covers the value chain from the ECs to the assembly and validation of the PEMFC power plant.

The solution (technology)

The project ALPE will yield a “Fuel Cell”, i.e., an electrochemical device fed with hydrogen and producing electrical energy very efficiently and without pollution. Today “Fuel Cells” are not widespread and are very expensive. Indeed, they include a large amount of platinum, that is precious and scarce. ALPE will halve the amount of Pt used in a “Fuel Cell”. Thus, the “Fuel Cell” devised in ALPE will be more affordable, and will be durable and powerful enough to power a small forklift.


  • University of Padova (Lead partner), Italy
  • BRETON S.p.A., Italy
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-1 (CNRS-INP), France
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique-3 (CNRS-UL), France
  • Centro Ricerche Fiat S.C.p.A. (CRF – C.R.F.), Italy
  • French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France
  • INPG Enterprise SA, France
  • Grenoble Institute of Technology (INP), France
  • SYMBIO, France
  • University of Lorraine, France
  • University of Warsaw, Poland
Mineral Processing/Resource Efficiency

AMCO: Automated Microscopic Characterization of Ores

Project duration: 1 January 2016 – 31 December 2018


The production and marketing of an innovative, low-cost and user-friendly, automated system for the microscopic characterization of ores, to improve the geometallurgical performance and to reduce the environmental impact bound to the benefit of mineral raw materials.

The solution (technology)

The AMCO system will upgrade previous developments (CAMEVA System, TRL: 5+) based on reflected light microscopy, to acquire and process multispectral reflectance images in the visible and near infrared range on polished sections of ores, for automated mineral identification and quantification. It provides automated ore identification, quantitative information on ore mineralogy and grain size, and textural analyses of intergrowths. A compact and user-friendly software, the training of industry staff, and the test of the new system and its applications by mining partners will ensure a final TRL 7-8. Its performance being comparable to that of the SEM-/XRD-based systems, it has several important advantages over them, such as much lower price, less demanding infrastructure, and more user-friendly and intuitive setup; moreover it can perform tasks that are not easy with SEM-based systems, e.g. the reliable automated identification of Fe-oxide mineral species (safely achieved by methods based on optical properties, as the reflectance spectra, but not on Fe-content alone), very important for a sector that accounts for ≈40 % of the world mining economy.


Sustainable Mining

AMICOS: Autonomous Monitoring and Control System for Mining Plants

Project duration: 1 September 2019 – 31 December 2022


The Raw Material (RM) industrial sector depends from costly and unsafe operations. AMICOS supports the digital transformation of the RM industry by proposing an innovative E2E asset management solution to increase the market penetration/adoption of digital technology in mines. It provides a great opportunity to gain market share by exploiting emerging technologies to reduce the costs for key operations to allow a safer working environment.

The solution (technology)

The Raw Material (RM) industrial sector is dependent on extensive systems of infrastructures for efficient operation such as plants, buildings, gas and water pipes, sewages and potentially transportation infrastructure. Such systems are not often renewed due to high maintenance and monitoring costs because of the high risks associated to the (mostly manual) inspection, and because of the needs to stop the production for safety reasons. Moreover, the retrofitting of the infrastructure may be not economically convenient. To be competitive within the mining sector, operational costs and effectiveness are of utmost importance and have a linear impact on the performance and margins.

The RM industrial sector is increasingly implementing innovative techniques to improve productivity from existing assets and infrastructure leveraging on continuous innovations in sensor technology, machine connectivity, robotics and Artificial Intelligence. However, this digitalisation process suffers from disconnection between digital transformation potential and successful implementation of new technologies. With fixed labor prices on the mining side and diminishing returns from labor arbitrage on the metals side, organisations are looking for opportunities to lower their costs and improve their uptime through automation and robotics. The RM industries (similarly to other sectors) are always chasing the equilibrium between two competitive goals: 1) maximise their efficiency; and 2) minimise their costs to increase profit. Thus, on the one side the focus is on finding ways to enable and collect data through greater connectivity and leveraging on new sensor devices, on the other side the focus is on how to harness the collected data to maximise efficiency and minimise costs.

In this project we envisage the design of an innovative end-to-end solution composed by three main concepts: i) innovative physical devices deployed and used in the field, which are able to collect sensitive information regarding the typical (costly) operations in mines, ii) a set of SW tools able to integrate heterogeneous source of data and iii) a list of smart services able to provide extended benefits to the mining ecosystem considering real use cases and needs presented from end-users (mines entities in the consortium).

Concept_1 – AMICOS will deploy innovative low-power IoT devices with the aim to detect and prevent possible risks to structures and infrastructures by monitoring their operations and status in real time. These solutions are essential for ensuring that assets’ operations are maximally optimal, safe and cost competitive. Moreover, the implementation of autonomous UAVs and UGVs smart objects will facilitate the use of innovative mapping and inspection techniques based on the collected of new data. Such devices will allow the monitoring and analyses of critical operations, avoiding manual inspection, and the acquisition of additional and targeted sensing information. The IoT, UAVs and UGVs devices are orchestrated by the central platform, which uses off-the-shelf Industrial Internet of Things concepts to securely funnel the sensed data to the specific applications and to facilitate the configuration, the collection, the storage and the processing of the data for the different business needs.

Concept_2 – The AMICOS platform has an enormous potential to transform the traditional manual approach to a more cost-effective, data-driven, autonomous and intelligent process that will result in a significant reduction of the operational costs, in an increase of the effectiveness with a positive impact on the performance and margins. The relevant parts of the AMICOS platform architecture are: i) Integration layer: interface between the platform and the connected devices, including data provided by external sources, ii) Controller; it will report to the internal modules that new data from the external devices is available for processing, iii) Fusion Module; it will merge the information and store it in the database, iv) Data lake, v) GIS Module, vi) Decision Support System (DSS); and vii) Big Data; analytic tools. In order to validate the agnosticism of this platform, it will be validated in relevant realistic environments considering different scenarios and business requirements.

Concept_3 – Finally, a list of dashboards and industrial applications will be implemented in order to validate the proposed use cases. In this concept, the main innovations are related to Digital Signal Processing techniques to analyses sensing data, Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodologies for the generation, management and 3D visualisation of digital information of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility. Moreover, it provides advanced and configurable analysis techniques to support decision making leveraging on combination of Model Based Reasoning and Artificial Intelligence to harness the collected data to the different business cases (e.g. from the simple alerting to predictive maintenance).


  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Lead Partner), Italy
  • ArcelorMittal Innovación, Investigación e Inversión, S.L., Spain
  • Atlantic Copper S.L.U., Spain
  • KGHM Polska Miedz Spólka Akcyjna, Poland
  • LTU Business AB, Sweden
  • Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WUST), Poland
  • SpacEarth Technology, Italy
  • UAV Autosystems Hovering Solutions España, S.L., Spain
  • Worldsensing SL, Spain
Mineral Processing/Resource Efficiency

AMIR: Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling

Project duration: 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2019


The Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling (AMIR) Master Programme focuses on the raw material value chain, with particularemphasis on recycling.

The two main objectives are:

  • Educate students to become highly skilled European professionals with expertise in various types of materials. This expertise will enable them to develop, at a large and ambitious scale, new methods for material recycling. In addition, the AMIR program includes classes on transferable skills such as innovation, ethics, intellectual property, life cycle assessment, sustainability and advanced research strategies.
  • Develop a deep entrepreneurship mindset with the help and expertise of associated businesses, incubators and innovation services as well as a large panel of industries.

The solution (technology)

This program will contribute to the Raw Materials Initiative to set out actions to improve the enforcement of EU rules on how waste may be traded. Interdisciplinarity around materials science is today needed to be able to propose the industrial alternatives for materials recycling. The 2010 report from the CEFIC European Chemistry Industry Council emphasizes multidisciplinarity and a broad skillset as the main competencies to be further developed in higher education curricula in the chemistry field. The new routes for an efficient materials recycling will be developed by the engineers/researchers of tomorrow with a consolidated ethic, a solid knowledge at the crossroad between the academic and the applied materials science disciplines as well as a solid entrepreneurship mindset.


If you have any questions regarding the AMIR Master Programme, please contact: amir-master@eitrawmaterials.eu

You can find more information and apply on the official AMIR website.


AMIR-LIH: Master programme on Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling focused on Lighthouses

Project duration: 1 January 2021 – 31 July 2025


AMIR is the only EIT-Labelled Master Programme focused on the theme of recycling. AMIR-LIH will improve teaching offers with regard to the LightHouses (LIH) on Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility and on Raw Materials and Circular Societies. AMIR-LIH will increase the number of students to 48 students per cohort and will be the only programme having two universities for Master 1 studies in RIS countries.

The solution (technology)

Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling focused on LIghHouses – AMIR-LIH – plans for three cohorts of students from 2021 to 2025, thereby increasing the number of students, who will become highly skilled professionals with expertise in various types of materials and their recycling, up to the target of 48 students per cohort. This will be achieved through three entry universities which enrol first year Master students at the University of Bordeaux, the NOVA University Lisbon and now also at the University of Miskolc (see Figure New Master Structure). The latter two were selected as entry universities in order to increase the role of universities from RIS countries in EIT RawMaterials’ Master School and the number of students from these countries in EIT-Labelled Master programmes.
The Master Programme on Advanced Materials Innovative Recycling – AMIR – is one of the six EIT-Labelled Master programmes currently run under the RawMaterials Academy and part of the Master School. This programme was created in 2017 as part of a collaborative process between academia, industry and research organisations in response to a pressing need to develop Europe’s advanced materials recycling capabilities to increase secondary raw material supply to European industry. It combines leading European expertise to deliver a world leading Master programme in the fields of Innovation, Advanced Materials and Recycling.

The AMIR programme works in collaboration with 6 leading European universities in the field representing 6 countries and 4 CLCs, demonstrating a truly geographically diverse consortium – University of Bordeaux, NOVA University Lisbon, TU Darmstadt, University of Liège, Polytechnic University of Madrid and the University of Miskolc. Drawing on the expertise of these universities, AMIR brings together the collaboration of academia, industry and research partners to educate “T-shaped professionals”. On the one hand, this means the programme provides in-depth knowledge in materials science & engineering and a very good understanding of recycling technologies. On the other hand, this knowledge is combined with transferable skills thanks to courses on entrepreneurship & innovation, creativity & leadership, intellectual property & technology intelligence as well as life cycle assessment & sustainability.

In the renewed programme, AMIR will intensify the entrepreneurial opportunities provided to students and contribute to the implementation of the two EIT Raw Materials Lighthouses on Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility and on Raw Materials and Circular Societies. Students will develop a deep entrepreneurship mind-set with the help and expertise of associated businesses, incubators and innovation services as well as a large panel of industries, with whom they will interact in dedicated seminars and obligatory summer schools. And this will also be facilitated by new types of courses where AMIR students work with management students and their participation in the Jumpstarter Programme and the Raw & Circular Economy Expedition (RACE). The renewed Master programme AMIR-LIH will improve the teaching offers related to the lighthouses by several means in all Master 2 programme such as dedicated new modules on battery recycling and soft skills need for the transition to a circular economy. This new expertise will enable the students of the new cohorts to develop, at a large and ambitious scale, new methods for ensuring the recycling of multiple materials used in the Future Mobility and other sectors within Circular Societies.


  • Spanish National Research Council, Spain
  • ArcelorMittal Maizières Research SA, France
  • Centre de Recherches Métallurgiques asbl (CRM Group), Belgium
  • French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France
  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.V., Germany
  • Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany
  • Technical University of Madrid, Spain
  • New University of Lisbon – Faculty of Sciences and Technology (FCT NOVA), Portugal
  • Université de Liège, Belgium
  • University of Miskolc, Hungary
  • Université de Bordeaux (Lead Partner), France

For more information, please visit the project website.