Workshop: How to Use Quantum Mechanical Simulations to Design Materials
23 October 2018 at 09:00 - 18:30
Do not miss the chance to learn what QM-FORMa can offer to help you with designing materials and applying quantum mechanics to solve industrial challenges!
QM-FORMa invites you to a Workshop to learn about how quantum mechanical simulations can elevate the design of materials.
The workshop is a satellite event to the Expert Forum on Sustainable Materials for Future Mobility.
About QM-FORMa
QM-FORMa is a network of world-leading experts who can design new materials, using first principles Quantum Mechanics calculations. The QM-FORMa is a project supported by EIT RawMaterials.
Using Quantum Mechanics to design materials is a new approach. In practice, there is little research into producing new materials because it requires costly, time-consuming lab work. Now computers have the capacity to perform sophisticated quantum mechanics calculations – and so can design new materials that are tailored to specific needs.
The potential impact of QM-FORMa’s services is faster innovation rates and better products. Companies can gain a competitive edge finding substitute materials, e.g. copper in brake pads or cobalt in cutting tools.
Therefore, all companies need to act in order to:
- avoid the risk of being blocked out of markets by competitors who have patents;
- provide products that have lower health risks;
- increase the sustainability rating of their supply chains;
- ensure access to (critical) raw materials.