EIT HEI Initiative Info Session: Introduction to HEInnovate
7 December 2022 at 11:00 - 12:15
Join EIT HEI info sessions to learn more about the third call for proposals!
The EIT HEI Initiative is organising a series of online info sessions to present its third call for proposals in more detail and answer applicants’ questions. The webinars will cover different topics, and each webinar will build on the previous one.
On 7 December, the webinar will cover the following:
- This webinar will provide an overview of the HEInnovate self-assessment tool, which all participating applicants will use to drive their proposal. Please join to learn more about the scope, how it works and what is required, as well as for an opportunity for questions.
Register by 5 December, 12:00 CET
About the EIT HEI Initiative
The EIT’s HEI Initiative helps higher education institutions build the capacity to teach innovation and entrepreneurship. The EIT’s HEI Initiative organises annual calls for proposals, inviting European higher education institutions to design institution-wide action plans that will improve their entrepreneurial and innovation capacity across all institutional levels. By supporting such activities, this new EIT initiative will create systemic impact, empowering HEIs to become regional engines of innovation and foster sustainable growth and jobs across Europe.