Circular Cities
26 September 2018 at 09:00 - 18:00
Cities have for centuries been a major attraction for people. The United Nations estimates that by 2030 about 5 billion people will live in cities, and by 2050 two thirds of the global population live in urban areas (UNDESA, 2012). They are places of opportunity – a better life, greater economic and entrepreneurial opportunities, higher concentration of food and people.
Cities can be key players in rolling out circular models, reducing the use of resources and raw materials. This one-day event aims to identify the key challenges and opportunities in policy, technology and business models to unlock circularity for cities.
Event agenda
- Registration
- Welcome – Ignacio Calleja, EIT RawMaterials and Sean Lockie, EIT Climate-KIC
Morning session
What are the main challenges to reaching circularity for cities?
Unlocking policy for circular cities
How can policy and governance help cities reach circularity? How can we increase collaboration between European, national, regional and local levels? Does culture play a role in achieving circularity in cities?
- Innovating cities – Marie Yeroyanni, DG Research and Innovation
- Horizon 2020 for Sustainable and Circular cities – Ugo Guarnacci, EASME
- Circular tools for circular cities – Charlotte Breen, C40
- City regulations to unlock circular economy – Klemen Risto Bizjak, City of Maribor – Slovenia
- New governance for circular cities – Holger Robrecht, ICLEI
- Roundtable discussion, Q&A
Circular technologies
How can technology help close the loop for main waste streams? What are the existing technological gaps? What are the non-technological barriers to their implementation? What are the funding schemes in place to support the development of these technologies?
- Construction and demolition waste – Representative of DG Environment
- Digitalisation and waste management – Pascal Peslerbe, Veolia
- Dematerialising plastic materials demand – Lorenzo Rieg, Montanuniversität Leoben
- Circular Cities and recycling – Markus Reuter, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Afternoon session
Circular technologies
- Roundtable discussion
New business models
What is the role of social innovation drivers to unlock business opportunities? What will be the next wave of products and services for consumption 2.0?
- New consumption models and opportunities for a shared economy – David Peck, TU Delft
- New approaches for collection schemes – Martin Jaehnert, Binee
- Leveraging citizen awareness to increase recycling engagement – Ivan Gonzalez, Recycl3R
- Engaging consumers – Piotr Barczak, European Environmental Bureau
- Circular Cities and reuse – Michal Len, RREUSE
- Roundtable discussion