BE-Mat 2018 – Business Event on Materials, Raw Materials & Circular Economy – Anacapri (Italy) 20-22 June 2018
BE-Mat, the first Open Innovation event jointly organized by EIT RawMaterials and Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) on advanced materials, recycling and circular economy gathered more than 70 participants from 11 EU countries in the premises of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Anacapri (Italy), one of the partners participating in both the networks involved in the organization, together with ENEA and ASTER, and supported by industry partners of the EIT RawMaterials (Brembo, FCA, Heraeus and Suez).
The event gathered startups and researchers, presenting their innovative ideas to industries and investors, through B2B matchmaking event and pitching sessions, and included a business training bootcamp for the researchers and idea holders participating to the Business Idea Competition of the EIT RawMaterials.
The bootcamp running for the whole duration of the event involved about 20 among researchers and idea holders, trained on how to turn an idea into a business model, ending with a pitching of their idea in front of the participants.
On 21 June, a seminar session included keynote speeches from EASME (EU Executive Agency on SMEs) and APRE (Italian National Agency on European Research) about the funding opportunities for SMEs in existing and future EU framework program for research and ENEA about the EU platform on Circular Economy. Two round tables with participation of industry and research partners focused on the opportunities and challenges of Open Innovation in Materials and on New Solutions and Business Models for Recycling and Circular Economy.
The startup pitching session on 21 June involved 8 startups. The jury constituted by the industrial supporters and investors assigned the prize awarded by EIT RawMaterials to the Italian startup Particular Materials, proposing an innovative and sustainable process for the production of nanoparticles for different applications, from catalysts to graphene.
On the last day, six researchers competed for the prize awarded by the Italian incubator DayOne, who was assigned by the jury to Armando Ricciardi from the University of Sannio, who presented a new Optical Fiber Technology for Epidural Needle.
In parallel, the B2B matchmaking sessions managed by the EEN organizers allowed more than 40 bilateral meetings among participants, half of which involving international participants.
Read more (in Italian):
- I materiali del futuro: una sfida da vincere tra tecnologie innovative ed economia circolare
- Aziende e ricercatori a caccia dei materiali del futuro
- Be-Mat, in scena i materiali del futuro
- Debate en Italia sobre materias primas y economía circular