EIT Community will increase its regional impact through enhanced openness towards potential partners and stakeholders and a better articulated regional strategy

The newly adopted RIS Implementation Framework provides guidance towards the fulfilment of a key strategic priority for the EIT as part of its new strategy, the EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda (SIA) 2021-2027, which saw an enhanced mandate for the EIT in the coming years and a budget of almost EUR 3 billion under Horizon Europe.

The EIT’s Regional Innovation Scheme was introduced in 2014 to advance the innovation performance of more countries and regions across Europe, especially countries with moderate or modest innovation scores as defined by the European Innovation Scoreboard. Since its establishment, the EIT RIS has successfully seen the expansion of EIT Community activities to more countries and regions across Europe, contributing to a pan-European spread of EIT Community activities and networks.

In line with the strategic priority of increasing the EIT Community’s regional impact through a reinforced EIT RIS programme, the EIT Community will enhance its openness towards potential partners and stakeholders and develop a better articulated regional strategy for EIT Innovation Communities.

EIT RawMaterials connects with a local ecosystem in the EIT RIS region via RIS Hubs and Regional Centers. Each Hub mobilises stakeholders from industry, research and academia from across the value chain. A new office in Southern Italy will open this year to establish solid relations and collaborations with local stakeholders. 

The EIT RIS will strengthen its contribution to advancing and enhancing innovation capacities across Europe, including increased tailor-made support to strengthen local innovation ecosystems and involve more higher education institutions, businesses, and research organisations by developing regional outreach strategies.

The newly adopted EIT RIS Implementation Framework includes the following focus areas:

  • Improving the innovation capacities of local ecosystems through capacity-building activities and closer interactions between local organisations from business, education and research (the so-called knowledge triangle) and their activities.
  • Attracting new partners to the EIT Community, including through the establishment of EIT RIS Hubs
  • Continuing to support modest and moderate innovation countries and regions, as well as the Outermost Regions (as defined in Annex III of RIS Implementation Framework).
  • Leveraging additional private and public funding, with particular attention to European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds, including through strengthened links with Smart Specialisation Strategies.
  • Integrating the EIT RIS Implementation Framework as an integral part of EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities’ multi-annual strategies.
  • Implementing an EIT RIS budget of up to 15% of the total EIT grant to support existing and new EIT Innovation Communities, with the possibility of EIT RIS activities being supported at a co-funding rate of up to 100%.

Overall, the Implementation Framework will ensure that by 2027 the EIT will have contributed to the advancement of the innovation performance of the countries and regions targeted by the RIS programme through the strengthening of innovation capacities and enablers, actors and linkages, growing the support and power of Europe’s largest innovation ecosystem.

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