Success Stories

/Success Stories

Success Stories

Read about the key achievements of the start-ups shaping the sustainable future of the raw materials sector and supported by EIT RawMaterials. Discover the major milestones reached by the innovation and education projects funded by EIT RawMaterials.

Leading the change towards Circular Societies with Circular Skills

Circular economy challenges require a well-trained workforce with highly analytical, creative and technical skills.

read more about "Leading the change towards Circular Societies with Circular Skills"

Particular Materials upcycling waste into silver

Particular Materials has shown that toxic wastewater containing silver cyanide can be used as a precursor for the synthesis of silver with TiO2 nanoparticles.

read more about "Particular Materials upcycling waste into silver"

impactPCB start-up journey taking shape at Global Digital RACE 2020

Global Digital RACE 2020 challenges sparked impactPCB to work further on their idea and turn it into a successful start-up.

read more about "impactPCB start-up journey taking shape at Global Digital RACE 2020"

CDIO-2 project successfully trains 300 academic and industry staff

The project gives the next generation of engineers the skills needed to solve the challenges facing the raw materials industry.

read more about "CDIO-2 project successfully trains 300 academic and industry staff"

Autonomous flying robots for safer underground mining inspection and 3D mapping

Indoor infrastructure data gathering made faster, safer, and more efficient with Hovering Solutions.

read more about "Autonomous flying robots for safer underground mining inspection and 3D mapping"
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