Resource Efficiency

/Resource Efficiency

Resource Efficiency

Stepping stone for sustainable batteries: European project HiQ-CARB develops greener carbons

EIT RawMaterials project HiQ-CARB develops new carbons with superior performance and a low carbon footprint for future green batteries.

read more about "Stepping stone for sustainable batteries: European project HiQ-CARB develops greener carbons"

From fossil fuel to hydrogen: ALPE project developing fuel cells for automotive and stationary applications

The advancements in research and support of novel hydrogen technology will accelerate Europe’s transition to a green economy.

read more about "From fossil fuel to hydrogen: ALPE project developing fuel cells for automotive and stationary applications"

A new digital twin for condition monitoring of conveyor belt systems

In CoCoP project, LKAB and Predge AB have jointly developed a new digital twin solution for conveyor belt condition monitoring and health prediction.

read more about "A new digital twin for condition monitoring of conveyor belt systems"

Dive into the life of your phone with Materials Matter initiative

Your phone is with you for a few years of your life, but did you know it had already experienced a lot before it reached you? The lifecycle of your phone has big impacts on the planet.

read more about "Dive into the life of your phone with Materials Matter initiative"

Call for Projects 2022 is open

We encourage our partners to submit new project proposals that will generate a significant impact on the raw materials sector, driving towards the circular economy and the contribution towards EU Green Deal goals.

read more about "Call for Projects 2022 is open"
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