


AirBliss+ opens a call for customer validation interviews

AirBliss+ opens a call for customer validation interviews for new smart anti-dust mask for harsh working environment.

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Call for Projects 2022 is open

We encourage our partners to submit new project proposals that will generate a significant impact on the raw materials sector, driving towards the circular economy and the contribution towards EU Green Deal goals.

read more about "Call for Projects 2022 is open"

Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials

Increasing the circularity of critical raw materials is crucial for a resilient future of Europe. SusCritMOOC provides comprehensive knowledge on the global challenges of critical raw materials.

read more about "Promoting sustainable management of critical raw materials"

EIT RawMaterials supports Recycleye’s mission to combat waste

EIT RawMaterials is happy to announce Recycleye start-up joining the RawMaterials Accelerator programme Phase 3 – Grow.

read more about "EIT RawMaterials supports Recycleye’s mission to combat waste"

GREENY approach to slag recycling and reuse

GREENY research project is developing the beneficiation route of difficult to process secondary raw materials, such as industrial slags.

read more about "GREENY approach to slag recycling and reuse"
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