


Italy’s Recovery Plan: A booster to the circular economy of WEEEs

If you want to know more about these initiatives, or if you want to set up a strategy to tap into these funds, do not hesitate to get in touch with the EIT RawMaterials Innovation Hub South team.

read more about "Italy’s Recovery Plan: A booster to the circular economy of WEEEs"

EU project NEWMAN: Sustainable metal powders for high-performance applications in the automotive industry

The goal of the NEWMAN project (Nickel frEe poWders for high-perforMAnce compoNents) is to drastically reduce the amount of nickel in the metal sintering.

read more about "EU project NEWMAN: Sustainable metal powders for high-performance applications in the automotive industry"

Particular Materials upcycling waste into silver

Particular Materials has shown that toxic wastewater containing silver cyanide can be used as a precursor for the synthesis of silver with TiO2 nanoparticles.

read more about "Particular Materials upcycling waste into silver"

Announcing the TOP 3 finalists of the Eramet Responsible Mining Challenge

The finalists will receive tailor-made advice and coaching from an Eramet mentor team before presenting their pitch to Eramet’s Executive Management and Directors.

read more about "Announcing the TOP 3 finalists of the Eramet Responsible Mining Challenge"

Joint EIT Community Call for Higher Education Institutions to boost the circular economy in Western Balkans

EIT RawMaterials together with EIT Food, EIT Digital and EIT Climate-KIC open a call for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Western Balkans.

read more about "Joint EIT Community Call for Higher Education Institutions to boost the circular economy in Western Balkans"
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