Innovation Hub North

/Innovation Hub North

Innovation Hub North


Acquisition Success for Start-Up with Zero Workplace Accidents Solution

The Swedish Industrial Technology (IndTech) company Widefind, supported by EIT RawMaterials since 2019, has been acquired by Mobilaris Industrial Solutions.

read more about "Acquisition Success for Start-Up with Zero Workplace Accidents Solution"
Atium’s technology can be adapted and scaled to several applications, e.g. industrial, drinking water, environmental sanitation, chemical refinement etc.

Water treatment start-up takes on mercury water pollution

EIT RawMaterials funded start-up Atium has developed a patent-pending technology for effective and cost-efficient removal of mercury from water and chemicals.

read more about "Water treatment start-up takes on mercury water pollution"

The Faster The World Decarbonises, The Higher Its Metal Demands

The main message at the RawMaterials Summit 2022 was clear: the acceleration towards clean energy is very fast, it is a very unusual transition needed in such a short period of time and there is no plan B.

read more about "The Faster The World Decarbonises, The Higher Its Metal Demands"

A new digital twin for condition monitoring of conveyor belt systems

In CoCoP project, LKAB and Predge AB have jointly developed a new digital twin solution for conveyor belt condition monitoring and health prediction.

read more about "A new digital twin for condition monitoring of conveyor belt systems"

Energy recovery from the water supply at Boliden’s Tara Mines in Ireland

Boliden teams up with Easy Hydro start-up on trials of a novel water turbine system to recover energy at Boliden’s Tara zinc mine.

read more about "Energy recovery from the water supply at Boliden’s Tara Mines in Ireland"
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