Innovation Hub Baltic Sea

/Innovation Hub Baltic Sea

Innovation Hub Baltic Sea

3D-printed magnets help create more efficient electric motors

3DREMAG is developing a new material suitable for 3D printing of permanent magnets for electric and hybrid vehicle motors.

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From laboratory to market – experiences from the ongoing Morecovery project

Morecovery project is directing efforts to accelerate the transition to a circular economy by offering smart solutions for the sustainable extraction and use of raw materials from secondary sources.

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Fostering new research capacities and rapidly transferring them into European companies

How can we intensify collaboration and information sharing between academia and industry? This question gave rise to the ADMA2 project.

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Fast and inexpensive surveying for mineral exploration with multi-sensor drones

MULSEDRO project has developed survey operations with multi-sensor drones are fast, flexible and environmentally friendly.

read more about "Fast and inexpensive surveying for mineral exploration with multi-sensor drones"

Industry and universities cooperate in new European Master education to embed circular economy into product design

Embedding circular economy into product design and optimisation in new European Master education.

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