


ENGIE project improving the gender balance in geosciences and geo-engineering

The ENGIE project supported by EIT RawMaterials aims to turn the interest of 13-18 years old girls to study geosciences and related engineering disciplines.

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Call for pilots: uncover the mysteries and potential of your flooded mine with UNEXUP project

UNEXUP project is looking for Pilot Sites: flooded sites that have a need for an in-depth survey.

read more about "Call for pilots: uncover the mysteries and potential of your flooded mine with UNEXUP project"

ENGIE project empowering girls to become the geoscientists of tomorrow

ENGIE project aims to turn 13-18 years old girls’ interest to study geosciences and related engineering disciplines.

read more about "ENGIE project empowering girls to become the geoscientists of tomorrow"

RESEERVE project launches West Balkan Mineral Register of primary and secondary resources

The West Balkan Mineral Register provides publicly available data by creating a comprehensive and useful register of primary and secondary raw materials.

read more about "RESEERVE project launches West Balkan Mineral Register of primary and secondary resources"

MAP project launches MapWizard software to streamline the assessment of undiscovered mineral resources

MapWizard integrated into commercial advangeo® 2D Prediction software with new results from assessments of undiscovered mineral resources in Nordic countries, Germany and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.

read more about "MAP project launches MapWizard software to streamline the assessment of undiscovered mineral resources"
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