European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

/European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

From (urban) mine to magnet motor: Europe has the potential to develop a competitive rare earths value chain

On 21 April, the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) brought together over 120 stakeholders for a mid-term meeting of the first Cluster on Rare Earth Magnets and Motors.

read more about "From (urban) mine to magnet motor: Europe has the potential to develop a competitive rare earths value chain"

Unlocking green energy potential for carbon-neutral Europe

ERMA Cluster on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion to secure sustainable raw materials supply chains.

read more about "Unlocking green energy potential for carbon-neutral Europe"

European Raw Materials Alliance contributes to Europe’s industrial resilience

On 23 February 2021, President von der Leyen, in the opening speech at the EU Industry Days 2021, highlighted the importance of the European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA) to build Europe’s resilience and ensure Europe’s ambition for a green and digital future.

read more about "European Raw Materials Alliance contributes to Europe’s industrial resilience"

ERMA Cluster on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion officially kicks off

On 16 February, ERMA officially kicked off the second Cluster focused on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion.

read more about "ERMA Cluster on Materials for Energy Storage and Conversion officially kicks off"

European Raw Materials Alliance kicks off the first Cluster to strengthen the domestic supply chain of rare earth magnets and motors

The first Cluster of ERMA deals with one of the most critical value chains for many key EU industrial ecosystems: rare earth elements used in high performance magnets and motors. 

read more about "European Raw Materials Alliance kicks off the first Cluster to strengthen the domestic supply chain of rare earth magnets and motors"
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