European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

/European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

European Raw Materials Alliance (ERMA)

ERMA announces official support for Bluejay Mining’s Dundas Ilmenite Project in Greenland

The Greenland-based Dundas Ilmenite Project will enable a secure supply of Dundas ilmenite for end users within the European Union.

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EIT RawMaterials CEO Bernd Schäfer speaks at first French Presidency Conference

The event was the first of France’s presidency of the European Council, and focused on ‘a stronger industry for a more autonomous Europe’.

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ERMA welcomes the newly adopted report on Critical Raw Materials

Members of the European Parliament highlight Europe’s dependence on critical resources for the twin transition.

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ERMA celebrates its first anniversary working towards a more resilient and greener Europe

ERMA celebrates its first anniversary of operations, bringing a vast network of partners working towards reliable, secure and sustainable access to raw materials as key enablers for a globally competitive, green, and digital Europe.

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Ensuring access to the raw materials for the European Green Deal: A European Call for Action

A European Call for Action outlines current and projected European demand for Rare Earth Elements and steps which should be taken to secure their supply.

read more about "Ensuring access to the raw materials for the European Green Deal: A European Call for Action"
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