Start-up and SME Booster

//Start-up and SME Booster

Start-up and SME Booster

EIT RawMaterials Booster supports Timegate Instruments start-up developing novel sensing hardware tools

EIT RawMaterials Start-up and SME Booster funding supported the implementation of the Mineral Screen project analysing industrially important minerals with Timegated®... read more about "EIT RawMaterials Booster supports Timegate Instruments start-up developing novel sensing hardware tools"

EIT RawMaterials supports Metalshub to revolutionize the 3D printing metal powders market

EIT RawMaterials supported start-up Metalshub will enable a transparent and liquid digital market for 3D printing metal powders The 3D metals... read more about "EIT RawMaterials supports Metalshub to revolutionize the 3D printing metal powders market"

Timegate Instruments Ltd raises €2,6 million

EIT RawMaterials supported start-up Timegate Instruments raises €2,6 million funding to foster company growth and enter the global market Timegate Instruments... read more about "Timegate Instruments Ltd raises €2,6 million"

EIT RawMaterials supported start-up Fairphone surpasses investment target with €7 million from impact investors

Impact investors and crowdfunders unite to support Fairphone goals The world’s first ethical, modular smartphone This month, one of the... read more about "EIT RawMaterials supported start-up Fairphone surpasses investment target with €7 million from impact investors"
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