EIT Jumpstarter

//EIT Jumpstarter

EIT Jumpstarter

EIT Jumpstarter joins the New European Bauhaus initiative

EIT Jumpstarter joins the New European Bauhaus to upskill project teams working on the crossroads of science, technology, design, art and culture.

read more about "EIT Jumpstarter joins the New European Bauhaus initiative"

Call for Cross-KIC RIS Task Partner in EIT Jumpstarter and Joint Innovation Incubator

The multi-year objective of the Cross-KIC RIS project is to further strengthen the platform for EIT Community interaction and coordination of EIT RIS activities.

read more about "Call for Cross-KIC RIS Task Partner in EIT Jumpstarter and Joint Innovation Incubator"

Do you have an innovative idea and want to jumpstart your business?

Apply for the EIT Jumpstarter, a pre-accelerator program for innovators!

read more about "Do you have an innovative idea and want to jumpstart your business?"

ROSI start-up offers silicon recycling technology demonstrating a circular economy for PV industry

ROSI innovative technology will lead to reduced CO2 emission and an increase in renewable energy production efficiency.

read more about "ROSI start-up offers silicon recycling technology demonstrating a circular economy for PV industry"
calendar (1) Created with Sketch. Combined Shape clock Created with Sketch. location Created with Sketch. calendar (1) Created with Sketch. Combined Shape clock Created with Sketch. location Created with Sketch. calendar (1) Created with Sketch. Combined Shape clock Created with Sketch. location Created with Sketch.
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