Wider Society Learning

//Wider Society Learning

Wider Society Learning


Girls Go Circular Education Programme set for Expansion across Europe

Girls Go Circular, which aims to close the gender gap in STEM across Europe and is led by EIT RawMaterials, is set to expand. The European Commission has pledged to scale up the scheme between now and 2027. The announcement was made at the Women and Girls in STEM Forum 2022.

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3D Briefcase project brings minerals closer to society

Using an innovative method, the Briefcase project teaches students ranging from 6 to 18 years of age to identify minerals they use in their everyday lives.

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Dive into the life of your phone with Materials Matter initiative

Your phone is with you for a few years of your life, but did you know it had already experienced a lot before it reached you? The lifecycle of your phone has big impacts on the planet.

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ENGIE project improving the gender balance in geosciences and geo-engineering

The ENGIE project supported by EIT RawMaterials aims to turn the interest of 13-18 years old girls to study geosciences and related engineering disciplines.

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ENGIE project empowering girls to become the geoscientists of tomorrow

ENGIE project aims to turn 13-18 years old girls’ interest to study geosciences and related engineering disciplines.

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