


Find out more about topics of strategic importance and key raw materials industry issues drawn from the EIT RawMaterials CEO and experts, a suite of events and from across our innovation ecosystem.

Aluminium: The Critical Raw Material Act’s Blind Spot By Bernd Schäfer | EIT RawMaterials

Aluminium: The Critical Raw Material Act’s Blind Spot

In this article Bernd Schäfer is CEO and Managing Director of EIT RawMaterials points out the Blind Spot of the Critical Raw Material Act: aluminum.

read more about "Aluminium: The Critical Raw Material Act’s Blind Spot"

Op-Ed: The European way out – securing raw materials for European industry

For Europe to remain economically successful and globally competitive, while becoming increasingly resilient to external geopolitical factors, it must stimulate a responsible raw materials sector by establishing sustainable, competitive value chains of raw materials and advanced materials and building up robust secondary raw materials capacities through recycling for the circular economy.

read more about "Op-Ed: The European way out – securing raw materials for European industry"

Op-Ed: EU Green Deal cannot deliver without a strong raw materials industry

Bernd Schäfer, CEO of EIT RawMaterials and spearheading the European Raw Materials Alliance, highlights the need for an overarching strategy and urgent action to secure the future of Europe’s strategic raw materials sector and ensure it can deliver on the green and digital twin transition.

read more about "Op-Ed: EU Green Deal cannot deliver without a strong raw materials industry"

The Faster The World Decarbonises, The Higher Its Metal Demands

The main message at the RawMaterials Summit 2022 was clear: the acceleration towards clean energy is very fast, it is a very unusual transition needed in such a short period of time and there is no plan B.

read more about "The Faster The World Decarbonises, The Higher Its Metal Demands"
Press Release

EU Policymakers and EIT RawMaterials CEO say Raw Materials will be Critical for the Renewable Energy Transition Needed to Offset Reliance on Russia

RawMaterials Summit 2022 opened today with EU leaders and EIT RawMaterials’ CEO, Bernd Schäfer, warning that Europe is at an epochal turning point to drive forward a full-scale, clean energy-driven industrial transformation.

read more about "EU Policymakers and EIT RawMaterials CEO say Raw Materials will be Critical for the Renewable Energy Transition Needed to Offset Reliance on Russia"
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